Sunday, December 16, 2012


The last two nights have been some of the craziest and most eventful of my life.  My good friend, B,  came to visit me and we had a great time.  The first night we went out for dinner at a wonderful little Italian restaurant in town.  The food was great and the company was better.  It was so nice to be able to catch up after such a long time.  We then went to a small local bar and had a few drinks to pass the time (we were waiting until 10:00 to go and watch The Hobbit at the Imax).  We got there a bit early, so the music and dancing had not started there, but we had a drink each and had more time to talk.  We then went to the house of a friend of his and the three of us went to the movie theater.

The movie was wonderful, even though it lasted until the wee hours of the morning.  It really did not feel like we were watching it for three hours.  After the movie we went back to the friend's house to retrieve our cars.  B ended up coming home with me, despite other plans, because he is allergic to his friend's five cats.  We finally got to bed around three in the morning.

Last night was an adventure as well.  We met several friends of mine from work for dinner.  It was a bit awkward, since he had not met any of them before, but I think we both had a good time.  We exchanged Christmas gifts and drew on the table cloth.  Afterwards B and I met up with his friend C.  The three of us went to karaoke.  The bar was full - we could barely find a place to sit.  It took nearly an hour for our turn at the mic to come, but once it did we tore the place down.  Well, we had fun, at least.  It was getting late by the time we finished singing, so we left shortly after.  We went back to the bar from the night before for a little extra fun.  This time we arrived at the proper time - the music was booming and the dance floor was alive with bodies.

Usually I am not much fun in places like this; I don't feel very comfortable dancing when others can see.  B tends to make me ignore my personal vices though, so I soon found myself in the middle of the dance floor.  We danced for an hour or more before the club closed.  We went out for breakfast after (thank goodness too: I needed the several cups of coffee I got there).

Other exiting things happened.  Or at least, it was fun for me.  I'll spare you all the boring details.

I guess the point of this post is to say that B went home today.  After such an eventful two nights, it feels a little strange to be at home typing on my computer.  It will be wonderful to actually get to sleep tonight, but I can't help but feel a bit lonely now.  I suppose it makes sense, but I can't seem to shake it.  Seeing what it can be like to have so much fun out with someone, I feel even more acutely aware of the fact that I don't have anyone to go out with.  I know that it will happen someday, but I do get tired of waiting.  So that's my pity party for the week.  I am lonely and it sucks.  The end. :)